When looking at gambling industry news, you also need to look at other relevant forms of news. For instance, if you are a bookie, then you also need to know the latest in sports betting, and in the world of sports as well. The World Athletics Council has announced a decision to ban male to female transgender athletes from participating in female World Rankings competition.
This is quite the controversial topic, which you will see analyzed inside out in many sports news features. This decision was made during a recent council meeting where decisions were also made regarding regulations for athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD). According to the updated guidelines, male-to-female transgender athletes who have experienced male puberty will no longer be allowed to compete in any events.
Ban Male to Female Transgender Athletes in the Olympics
The council acknowledged that there are currently no transgender athletes competing at the international level, and thus, there is a lack of “athletics-specific evidence” regarding the potential impact of these athletes. For DSD athletes who are already competing, interim provisions have been put in place. These provisions require relevant athletes to lower their testosterone levels to below 2.5 nmol/L for a period of six months. To find out which sports may be affected, especially in international tournaments, check these bookie tutorials.
The ban on transgender athletes from female World Rankings competition and the updated regulations for DSD athletes will be effective from March 31. This means that these policies will impact the 2023 World Championships in Budapest and the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. Both events are very lucrative in sports betting software solutions products, so make sure to get the latest updates before these events happen.